Only Love is Real #Quotes

It is delusional to believe that this passion, this soul recognition and attraction, will be easily found again with another person. You do not run into such a soulmate every day, perhaps only one or two more in a lifetime. – Only Love is Real by Dr. Brian Weiss

Author Talks: James B. Hansom

James B. Hansom: As a Sailor for many years, one absorbs the rules of the oceans into one’s own life; as such every wave has a peak and a trough. Accepting bi-polar is no different, like a heart-beat you have the highs and the lows, just a little more intense! The mania phases can be really useful as one can get so much done in such a short amount of time, but afterward comes the crash which can halt you from achieving anything; so I guess things take about the same time overall.