Alter Ego by K.A. Masson

Alter Ego by K.A. Masson is a domestic noir thriller that provides the readers front-row seats to witness the agonizing, steamy, delicious, and heartbreaking drama in the life of Alexandra Kendrew (aka Alex). In her forties, the most cumbersome thing for Alex was to maintain a balance between dating and parenting. As she browsed through the websites, she realized online dating had a big chunk of incompatible and intolerable middle-aged men looking for way younger women to date. At the same time, once in a while, if you were lucky, you might land a gem. Mal, for her, was just that: a gem amongst an ocean of losers.

Because her Guardian Angel says so!

Before you start wondering how do I know Avani so well, let me introduce myself. This may come as a surprise to you, but I don’t have a name. Now, for the bit that would either make you smirk or smile, depending upon how open you are to the idea of a Guardian Angel. Regardless of your opinion on the idea, I am just that. A Guardian Angel. We don’t have names. Generally, we address one another, which is very rare, by the way, by our respective child’s name.