Is To Kill a MockingBird Overhyped?

‘Cry about the simple hell people give other people — without even thinking. Cry about the hell white people give coloured folks, without even stopping to think that they’re people, too.’

‘Atticus says cheatin’ a coloured man is ten times worse than cheatin’ a white man,’ I muttered. ‘Says it’s the worst thing you can do.’
– To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Sister of My Heart

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, the genius storyteller, pulled out yet another masterpiece from her magical hat of creativity: Sister of My Heart. Even though Anju and Sudha are cousins, their love for each other surpasses that of the real sisters. Anju — the outspoken, straightforward, and rebellious one — balanced out Sudha — the beautiful, soft-spoken, and compliant. Since their fathers died before the girls were born, they were raised in a matriarchal household under the watchful eyes of their mothers and their aunt.