The Samantha Sharp Chronicles

Samantha Sharp seemed to be an average 16-year-old girl living with her family in the suburbs of Cincinnati. She never cared about politics, foreign policy, or anything other than herself until a deadly virus was unleashed on the nation.
Suddenly, her world is changing. Her family retreats into seclusion only to discover there is no escaping the aftermath of this war.

Pedigree Rescues the Cops from the Madness!

He barked at me. Don’t scratch your head. I am not using any metaphor. My brother, Shaurya, literally barked at me. I asked him repeatedly to cut it out, but he kept on barking. I don’t know what new game he had picked up on TikTok or any other social media platform, but it wasn’t funny. If I didn’t leave now, I’d be late for work.