Author Talks: Pramudith D.

Anki: Is the idea of Bayan, in some way, inspired by Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom?
Pramudith D. Rupasinghe: No, It was a random idea that came to my mind during my time in Ukraine after I met Ivan, but if you look at both books, you may see that the world we see as young people is way more profound in the eyes of the old. So I would say why I have Mitch has seen the same and thought putting the same idea into a book? Because we both found it essential to tell the world. And I am from Sri Lanka, and he is from the USA, and irrespective of our cultural and contextual differences, we have recognized it. That is the beauty.

To read the full interview, go to the post. Enjoy!

Author Talks: Charmeljun Gallardo

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

Art inspires art. Read and learn from other writers. I still do this. Whenever I get stuck (and that’s often,) I read. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the same genre or completely different. I read to get a feel for the story. How did they describe things? How did they set the tone with dialogue and setting? What made me laugh or cry? When a book isn’t helping, I look at a painting, sculpture, or photograph for another source of inspiration.

Author Talks: Gill D. Anderson

After reading The Chosen Seven & Melita, I could not resist talking to Gill D. Anderson, the author of both of these books. So, imagine my delight, when she agreed to have a conversation with me. This is one of the most heartfelt interviews on my blog. She has opened up about her personal life, writing process, the source of inspiration for her characters, and tips for aspiring writers. Let’s welcome the very talented Gill D. Anderson to our family.

Author Talks: RJ Parker

Ever since I read Requiem, Changing Times by RJ Parker, I had to know more about its characters, his source of inspiration, and his future projects. Needless to say, when I got the chance, I asked him everything. In this conversation, he talks about his personal life, writing process, and tips for aspiring writers. Our delightful conversation is only a click away. Enjoy!

Author Talks: Hashwrite

The Chemical Drones – The Doozie Rockers by Hashwrite is a bundle of inspiration for not only kids but adults as well. The insta-worthy pictures are the cherries on top. By incorporating the latest technology trends in the story, Hashwrite has made The Chemical Drones – The Doozie Rockers a book that children of today’s…

Author Talks: James B. Hansom

James B. Hansom: As a Sailor for many years, one absorbs the rules of the oceans into one’s own life; as such every wave has a peak and a trough. Accepting bi-polar is no different, like a heart-beat you have the highs and the lows, just a little more intense! The mania phases can be really useful as one can get so much done in such a short amount of time, but afterward comes the crash which can halt you from achieving anything; so I guess things take about the same time overall.