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Bless the People with your Presence in “Three” Simple Ways

In these hard times, when most of us are troubled by the increasing crime all around us, it is important to be one another’s rock. Offering a few words of encouragement and a helping hand are the most basic things that could lift the mood of our loved ones. There are times when I hear a news and enter a gloomy zone for a whole day — sometimes, many days. These days, I am crankier than ever and do not wish to entertain anybody else. I might just begin praying or whine to whomever I talk. Nevertheless, there is something that helps me get out of this depressed state of mind – a long talk with my friends or my family. During these times, I realize that blessing others with your presence is not as difficult task as it may seem to be. In fact, one may feel instantly upbeat and lucky to be alive, if they are treated with love and care. Sometimes, even a simple “thank you” makes my day many shades brighter. Words are powerful and when they are mixed with the right set of intentions, they become almost life changing.

I believe in making others feel beautiful and happy around me. However, there are a few pompous and pretentious people who do not make me feel generous; therefore, I choose to ignore their presence altogether. Anyway, in my own experience, I believe these three things can really make people feel blessed in your presence:

1. A Thoughtful Conversation: There is nothing better than having a “real” conversation with someone. When I talk with someone, who means something to me, I make it a point to give my undivided attention to the person and really indulge with them. There is nothing worse than pouring your heart out to a person who can’t understand the depth of your feelings. I have met a few people who made me feel stupid for sharing my emotions. Trust me, it feels awful. On the other hand, a few people put all their hearts and souls to understanding your feelings and these are the people who can bless anybody with their presence. Let’s aim to be one of these beautiful souls.

2. Share a Heartfelt Laughter: Laughter is the best medicine, according to me. I feel blessed to be surrounded with people who love to laugh and make others laugh, too. Most people find hanging out with good humored pals a blessing.

3. A Celebration of their Important Days: Do you have a couple of friends who make a big deal of your birthday, anniversary, and other important events of your life? If you have, then you must know that the effect of their happiness is quite contagious. I have a few such friends, and I am blessed to have known them. Making a point of wishing your loved ones at midnight, planning ahead of time to surprise them, buying a thoughtful gift are some of the tried & tested methods of boosting their spirits.

Well, there you have it! How do you make others feel blessed with your presence? Is their any secret formula?

P.S. This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday prompt – “When it comes to blessings..” hosted by Kristi Rieger Campbell of

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