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Finding Inspiration in a Dark World #FridayReflection

The people, who know me — like really know me, know that I am a big time pessimist. I can find darkness in a place filled with bright colors. I worry about today, tomorrow, and even yesterday. The scope of my worries is not limited to my own life — oh no, I am not selfish. I worry about everybody. The power of the gloomy thoughts is that it can spread a desert-like atmosphere even in the middle of a rich and magnificent garden in the spring season. The sand storms of worries begin clouding the best of the judgments and leave no place of a hope’s survival. If my memory serves correctly, the after effects of these unnecessary anxieties are never good. The “ability to foresee the problems” brings more harm than solutions. A few actual issues are resolved, no doubt about that, but mostly, our own brain plays tricks on us; thus, we stand “us against us.” Place me in the happiest occasion, among the most fun people, but if my brain is troubled, nothing can bring a real smile on my face — you know, the one that comes straight from the heart.I have shared my problems with my loved ones over and over again, but not each conversation could eliminate the source of my concerns. Well, the key to survival, even in the immense times of darkness, has been my openness to convey my thoughts and troubles with my family. I don’t mind if I do not get any solution to my problems; in fact, at times, I know that there is nothing that could change the circumstances. I think, there is something about an honest conversation with the people, who care about you, that has the strength to reduce tension to a tolerable extent.

The featured image of this post is an honest reflection of the state of mind, the ever worried people are always in. Irrespective of the number of people surrounding you and trying to transfer their positive vibes on you, nothing helps. You find yourself standing alone in a crowd. As a matter of fact, you are deserted when your mindset stands away from the people around you. What could be the solution? I wish that I could help, but I have been trying to figure out the solution myself. I have, however, come up with a checklist that I intend to follow. I call it my “Checklist of a Brighter Me.” Let me share it with all of my readers:

  1. Repeat to yourself each morning: Live life one day at a time
  2. Improve today for a better tomorrow
  3. Nothing good can come out of stress
  4. Start day a little early
  5. Spend some time to pamper yourself — you deserve it
  6. Give love to get love
  7. Avoid unnecessary conflicts
  8. Do not let go of any opportunity to help a person in need, but do not sit and cry about the unfair situations of other people — whining changes nothing
  9. Exercise every day
  10. Listen to soothing music every day
  11. Give your best shot at work, but do not let the work control your personal happiness
  12. Eat healthy
  13. If negativity still finds a way to your heart, take a break, go shopping, hang out with your friends and/or family, plan a trip — in short, just have fun, you deserve it!

All said and done, nobody can help you in fighting your stress for you, you need to brighten up to shoo away the darkness. I intend to live by this philosophy; who would join me?

P.S. This post is in response to the amazing #FridayReflection prompt of this week.

Picture Coutesy: Friday Reflection hosts.

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