Croissants, Caramel Clusters & Catastrophes

Croissants, Caramel Clusters & Catastrophes by Vanessa Newman is a humor fiction that follows a thirty-five-years old Tatiana, a former Cardio Queen, as she hopes to reinvent herself as a pet-sitter. When Frances offered her a job, Tatiana didn’t even know what kind of job she had in mind. However, one minute into the interview call revealed that Frances and her friend, Gerty, were leaving for Mexico, and she wanted Tatiana to pet-sit four of their cats. As the initial shock subsided, she decided to take up the job offer. Ever since her days of fame ended prematurely, she had been struggling with her finances. So, she had no other choice than to give it a shot. Although her boyfriend, Blake, had enough money, she wasn’t even sure where their relationship was headed. So, taking his help was out of the question anyway. Little did she know her new job prospect was a backdoor to a phone sex operation. By the time she found out the truth, the hell had broken loose.