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I am the Girl with a Closet full of Nothing!

The promotional ad of FlipKart spoke to me on so many levels that I cannot begin to describe. It made me laugh at first at the similarity of her situation and mine, but as the time passed, it was just pathetic. You know the feeling when you are very excited to go out, open your wardrobe drowned under the flood of clothes (trust me, it has drowned ages ago), and yet, nothing brightens up your mood. In fact, it depresses you. Well, if you have felt this way, then welcome to my world.

After whining about my “closet full of nothing,” the first act that I would indulge into would be, you guessed it, shopping. I would dress up in my not-so-exciting  outfit and go out to shop. Entering into the stores of Mango, Vero Moda, Forever New, Forever 21, Elle, and what not, I would gladly spend all my hard earned money only to save enough to spend rest of the month living a hand to mouth life. Literally dancing on my way back from the shopping mall, I would feel that I am on top of the world. Nothing could bring me down after this investment. For a few days, my enthusiasm would remain at its extreme; however, things would go back to the same boring state when I would try to find something fun and bright in my closet only to realize that it’s [again] a closet full of nothing.

One day, I found out a perfect solution to my problem — or so I thought. My problem is the lack of variety, so let’s diversify the wardrobe. With that thought, I grabbed my sling bag and headed straight to my favorite mall. I bought dresses with different necklines, jumpsuits, skirt, shorts, and felt ecstatic. I thanked the god for blessing me with such a competent brain and declared an end to this prolonged problem. When the buzz of the loud music of the mall subsided, immediately, I noticed that somehow, I managed to buy all the crap that nobody else bothered to even look at for an obvious reason: it was all trash. I had bought something called a skort, which is a combination of a skirt and shorts, that I have thrown in the black hole, otherwise known as my wardrobe. Thus, the problem remained the same, and I was out of my money, AGAIN.

A few years passed, and I learned to live with my stupid and monotonous closet. A few days back, this bug bit me again, and this time, I am determined to find a solution. I cannot live with this dump of mine. Although I have some excellent dresses, which I am extremely proud of, I detest the flatness of my collection. However, I have a perfect plan — yes, another one! It goes like this –

  1. I will not jump on every item that looks a little different from the ordinary.
  2. I will make a list of the things that I wish to have in my closet.
  3. I will filter this list based on what may not look good on me. The deciding factor would be my body shape.
  4. I will NOT buy any more clothes in black and white colors. I have plenty of black & white era’s clothes.
  5. I will go with my sister and ask her advice on every apparel that I would try.
  6. Most importantly, I would stay away from the designs that I already have in abundance.

That’s enough for now. I would keep writing about my progress, and hopefully, my curse would be broken.

P.S. This post is in response to the daily post prompt: Closet

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