The Forest of Enchantments

The Forest of Enchantments by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is not a new story; it’s a retelling of Hindu mythology Ramayana in the voice of Sita. When we think of Ramayana, we think of Sita as a woman who suffered in silence. Therefore, her reflections, thoughts, and emotions regarding the many injustices that were imposed on her remain concealed. Finally, through The Forest of Enchantments, Chitra Banerjee has given voice to the woman who walked beside her husband only to be discarded by him in the end. Chitra Banerjee’s Sita raised questions without losing her calm and dignity. While the history remembers Sita as a devoted wife and companion of Ram, Chitra Banerjee has unfolded many attributes that make this woman much more than just a life-partner.